Reproductive Equity Now: Massachusetts

Leading the fight for reproductive equity in Massachusetts for more than 50 years

Leading the Way In Massachusetts

We have seen what happens when we mobilize and organize on the local level. Our organization has been successful in ensuring pro-abortion majorities in the Massachusetts State House and State Senate, passing laws that protect and increase access to abortion, and most recently, passing an historic reproductive health care law to respond to the fall of Roe v. Wade and protect our providers.

But there is still work to be done and we’re lending our voice to several issues this year that, collectively, broaden our lens of what it means to achieve true reproductive equity. 

Explore our work in Massachusetts

  • New England Abortion Care Guide

    The New England Abortion Care Guide is a one-stop resource for people seeking abortion in Massachusetts. The Guide allows you to search by zip code for abortion providers near you and even flags the deceptive anti-abortion centers in your area. Learn more about what questions to ask before your appointment and what to expect before, during, and after your abortion.

    Massachusetts Abortion Legal Hotline

    Massachusetts’ Abortion Legal Hotline is a free and confidential abortion information resource to help connect Massachusetts-based health care providers and helpers, as well as patients obtaining care in Massachusetts, with free legal advice and resources about their legal rights to access and provide lawful abortions. You can reach the Hotline at (833) 309-6301 or learn more at

  • The Massachusetts Legislature has taken historic action to protect abortion access in the wake of the Dobbs decision. Now, as we’re faced with a second Trump administration, our work continues to build a firewall here in Massachusetts and ensure our state remains a beacon for reproductive equity.

    Learn more about our Massachusetts legislative agenda.

    Write to your legislators in support of our legislative agenda.

  • Town & City Champion Pledge

    Learn about the municipal candidates on your ballot who will support policies to advance reproductive equity in your city or town.

    Win & Deliver Toolkit

    Our Win & Deliver Toolkit offers municipal officials policy ideas, draft ordinances, and resources for how they can take action to advance reproductive equity in their communities. Send this toolkit to your city or town councilor today!

    Legislative Toolkits

    Our legislative toolkits are intended to offer advocates in other states insight and recommendations for best practices when writing, advocating for, and implementing Massachusetts laws.

    Read our toolkit on expanding access to emergency contraception.

    Read our Contraceptive ACCESS Toolkit on passage and implementation of Massachusetts’ 2017 ACCESS Law.

    Sign up to volunteer with Repro Equity Now!

    We will keep you posted with new ways you can take action in your community.

Ensuring Equity Across the Commonwealth

For nearly 50 years, Reproductive Equity Now has engaged in local organizing and local advocacy to create statewide change in Massachusetts. Our organization’s work and track record focuses on removing barriers to abortion and other types of reproductive health care so that all people can access the care they want and need, regardless of their race, ethnicity, income, zip code, gender, age, immigration status, ability, sexual orientation, or religion. Advancing reproductive justice and eliminating barriers to safe, legal abortion care are central to our mission.

Today, barriers to accessing care disproportionately impact low-income people and people of color in Massachusestts. Fighting for equity asks us to examine and fight not just for equal access to reproductive health care but to give people what they need to access care without delays or financial burden.

Reproductive equity means using an intersectional lens to fight for access to reproductive health care. That includes access to consent-based sexuality education, birth control, STI testing and treatment, miscarriage management, and the full spectrum of pregnancy care, including abortion care.

But the fight for equity means we can't stop there. Not all pregnant people have access to pregnancy care and healthy birth outcomes. And, as long as Black and Brown women face a grave maternal health crisis, we must fight to end it. People cannot make decisions about if, when, and how to become parents if they cannot access affordable child care. And they cannot elect politicians who will fight for reproductive freedom if systems of power erect obstacles that limit their ability to vote. Our goal is to look at the systems that prevent us from achieving equity and dismantle them.

News from Massachusetts:

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and opportunities to get involved!

Electing Reproductive Freedom Champions

Up & Down the Ballot

  • Maura Healey

    Massachusetts Governor

  • Kim Driscoll

    Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor

  • Andrea Campbell

    Massachusetts Attorney General

  • Diana DiZoglio

    Massachusetts Auditor