Reproductive Equity Now Publishes New Hampshire Repro Voter Guide

Guide provides voters with elected officials’ voting records, reproductive equity policy information, and organizing tools to mobilize communities around repro at the ballot box

NEW HAMPSHIRE (July 25, 2024) – With abortion access at stake this Election Day in New Hampshire and across the country, Reproductive Equity Now today published “Voting for Repro Equity—Now!,” a guide for New Hampshire voters to support reproductive equity at the ballot box this November.

The comprehensive voter guide includes:

  • Information on how to register to vote and cast your ballot in New Hampshire;

  • A tool that allows users to search by city or town for their Executive Councilor, State Representative, and State Senator;

  • Records on how Executive Councilors, State Representatives, and State Senators have voted across a variety of reproductive equity votes this year, including on CACR 23 and CACR 24, which would have put a constitutional amendment to protect abortion access on the ballot;

  • One-page memos on abortion access, LGBTQ+ rights, family planning, maternal health, and child care in New Hampshire so that voters have the information they need to talk to their candidates about repro equity issues;

  • A pledge to vote for reproductive equity candidates this Election Day; and

  • Tools and resources to organize New Hampshire communities around repro equity ahead of November’s election.

“New Hampshire has a long history of standing up for reproductive freedom. But following recent attacks on abortion access and reproductive health care from a small group of New Hampshire executive and legislative leaders, there is work to do to protect and advance reproductive equity in the Granite State,” said Christina Warriner, New Hampshire State Director of Reproductive Equity Now. “Reproductive equity is on the ballot this November, and we have an obligation to ensure voters have the information they need to identify candidates who align with their values. Granite Staters deserve the ability to make personal choices about their sexual and reproductive lives on their own terms, to become a parent when, if, and how they choose, and to do so with dignity. This resource will help our communities identify local leaders who share their values, and organize their friends, family, and neighbors around reproductive equity issues this November."

The launch of the voter guide followed Reproductive Equity Now’s first New Hampshire “Organizing for Equity: The Roe’d Show” event on July 24 in Concord. At the “Roe’d Show,” Reproductive Equity Now showcased the new voter guide and used it to workshop personal narratives about why reproductive equity matters to voters this election season. Attendees also discussed how to organize friends, families, and neighbors around repro equity issues, and ensure abortion remains a winning issue on Election Day.

As part of the voter guide, Reproductive Equity Now is inviting voters to sign a pledge to commit to being a reproductive equity voter in 2024. Learn more about the guide at



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