New Name, Bigger Mission: NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts Becomes Reproductive Equity Now

Boston, MA - In the face of challenges to abortion access occurring at the state level across the country and here in New England, a new organization, Reproductive Equity Now, has emerged and will succeed NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts as the leading grassroots organization dedicated to protecting and expanding access to reproductive healthcare in Massachusetts and the region.

Reproductive Equity Now will take the baton from NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts (NPCM) at a time when the fight for abortion access is at a crisis point.  The organization will continue and expand on NPCM’s mission of ensuring access to abortion care while centering equity in access.  It is clear that the fight to protect and expand abortion access is one that must take place at the state level.  Reproductive Equity Now is positioned to lead that fight, armed with the knowledge, experience, winning track record, and most importantly the grassroots army that has led to many important wins over the last several years.

“In Massachusetts, we’ve seen that grassroots activism can not only protect reproductive freedom, but expand it,” said Rebecca Hart-Holder, Executive Director of Reproductive Equity Now. “This is a moment of crisis. The anti-abortion advocates have the right wing extremists and - likely - the Supreme Court. We have the people. The people of Massachusetts have always led on issues of equity and reproductive freedom, and we are needed now more than ever. At Reproductive Equity Now, we are all in - and we are asking people to join us in this fight today and every day moving forward.”

“Abortion access is under attack and we need to do everything we can to protect people’s reproductive rights,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren. “Reproductive Equity Now will continue the hard work of fighting for reproductive freedom and protecting abortion access in the Commonwealth and setting a powerful example for the rest of the country.”

“NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts has always been our on-the-ground leader for reproductive rights across the Commonwealth,” said Senator Ed Markey. “Now, as abortion is under fire by right-wing extremists in our state houses and in our courthouses, Massachusetts is fortunate to have Reproductive Equity Now lead our fight to ensure abortion care is available for every person – regardless of age, insurance, race, or income. With so much at stake, we need to stand up, raise our voices, and organize for reproductive health care. I look forward to working with Reproductive Equity Now as they continue to lead the charge.”

“Reproductive Equity Now and their team have a track record of success protecting and advancing access to reproductive freedom in Massachusetts,” said Assistant Speaker of the U.S. House Katherine Clark. “Right now, with reproductive rights under attack nationally and in every state, we need their leadership more than ever. I’m grateful to have Reproductive Equity Now leading the way in Massachusetts and in the region, and I stand with them in the fight for abortion access.” 

“Access to legal, safe, and affordable reproductive care - including abortion - is a fundamental right,” said Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley. “In the face of unprecedented attacks on reproductive freedoms across the country, we need activism and advocacy at every level to safeguard the right of every person to make their own reproductive choices, and to address persistent inequities in access to care. As Chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus's Abortion Rights and Access Task Force in Congress, I look forward to continuing to work closely with the team at Reproductive Equity Now to ensure that every person in Massachusetts has access to comprehensive reproductive care."

Reproductive Equity Now will leverage the same tools successfully used by NPCM to pass legislation like the ROE Act, one of the few pieces of recent legislation successfully passed during the Trump Administration that expanded reproductive access, and other recent legislative successes including the Contraceptive ACCESS law, the Nasty Woman Act, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Law, the Maternal Justice Commission, and the PATCH Law.

Reproductive Equity Now was formed after a decision by NARAL Pro-Choice America to change its relationship with its state-based affiliates, including NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts.  Reproductive Equity Now will continue the grassroots organizing that has been the key to expanding and protecting reproductive freedom.



Boston Globe | Mass. abortion rights group going it alone


A Letter to Our Supporters