Connecticut Public Radio | Advocacy group expands into Connecticut to bring abortion care to people from restrictive states

By Molly Ingram
Story Originally Appeared on Connecticut Public Radio

Connecticut has joined a coalition of states to bring reproductive healthcare to Americans living in places with abortion bans.

It’s organized by Massachusetts-based advocacy organization Reproductive Equity Now.

Organization president Rebecca Hart Holder announced the partnership today at the state Capital.

“By creating a regional powerhouse for reproductive health care advocacy, we can build unstoppable political and organizing power across the country,” Hart Holder said.

Reproductive Equity Now will replace Pro-Choice Connecticut, which is sunsetting this fall.

Former Pro-Choice Connecticut state director Liz Gustafson will serve as the state director of Reproductive Equity Now. She said Connecticut will join Massachusetts and New Hampshire in the fight.

“It is clear that the fight for reproductive freedom is being fought, and won, state-by-state, region-by-region,” Gustafson said. “Now, we’re growing our team and our footprint to expand the capacity of advocates in the state and build a regional powerhouse for abortion access."

"We’re thrilled to be carrying on Connecticut’s long record of reproductive health care leadership and doing the work to break down barriers to abortion access throughout the region,” Gustafson added.

The organization says they hope to partner with more states in the future.


State House News | New England Abortion Access Activists Band Together


Hartford Courant | Connecticut shifts fight for abortion rights to regional model