Bay State Birth Coalition Statement After Formal Legislative Session Concludes Without Action on Maternal Health Package

Coalition is ready to work with the conference committee to pass the life-saving maternal health package in informal session

BOSTON (August 1, 2024) – The Bay State Birth Coalition, a coalition of more than 20 partner organizations, released the following statement today after the Massachusetts Legislature was not able to conference a comprehensive maternal health package in the final hours of the 2023-24 formal legislative session. The life-saving birthing justice bill, which creates a pathway to licensure for Certified Professional Midwives and revises regulations governing the creation of free-standing birth centers in the state, unanimously passed the House in June and the Senate earlier this week.

“We are disappointed that the Massachusetts Legislature was not able to conference this comprehensive maternal health package before the clock ran out in the formal legislative session, but we are hopeful and energized that we can still get this bill done. We know there is energy and mutual agreement around addressing the maternal health crisis, evidenced by unanimous passage of this package in both the House and Senate, and we’re ready to work with the conference committee to get this bill over the finish line in an informal session,” said the Bay State Birth Coalition in a joint statement. “If our commonwealth is going to continue to lead on reproductive equity, we cannot ignore the critical work to improve maternal health and eliminate the racial inequities in birthing outcomes across our state. Massachusetts is staring down a severe and worsening maternal health crisis that puts the lives of thousands of birthing people at risk each and every year. The proposed bill responds to the needs and reflects the experiences of Black women most acutely impacted by our maternal health crisis, expressed through the testimony and work of the Special Commission on Racial Inequities in Maternal Health. The time is now to pass this bill that will take enormous steps to expand access to midwives, out-of-hospital birth options, and postpartum depression screenings, interventions we know promote healthy outcomes for all families. 

“We are so grateful to the advocates, experts, and leaders who have testified, written to their legislators, joined us at the State House, and made their voices heard in support of this bill that will save countless lives.”



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Bay State Birth Coalition Celebrates Senate Passage of Comprehensive Maternal Health Bill