We’re taking this Fight Regional: Repro Equity Now’s Expansion Across New England

Repro Equity Now is so excited to announce our official expansion into New Hampshire and Connecticut! As we continue our work to advance reproductive equity in Massachusetts, we see immediate opportunity for impact in both the Granite and Nutmeg states. This expansion reflects the urgency we face in demanding, protecting, and expanding abortion access and reproductive equity for everyone.

The abortion and reproductive rights landscape has changed a lot in the last two years, even here in New England. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last June, we saw a massive push from anti-abortion extremists to dramatically and devastatingly alter the abortion landscape nationwide—they’ve now banned access to care in more than 20 states. Now, our strategies to protect and expand access to care must change, too. We know that threats to abortion seekers anywhere affect abortion patients everywhere, and we know that working state-by-state to build regional power is how we will win.

New England states work best as a coalition. Our states have always learned from one another and shared strategies across state lines. Not only that, but our states share region-wide commerce, recreation, and culture. We know Bay Staters go north on 93 to hike in the beautiful presidential range (and buy summit beers tax-free); we know that Nutmeggers come into Boston for shopping and beaching on the Cape; we know that Granite Staters commute to Mass every morning for work and play. In our region, we know that what impacts one New England state, impacts all of us. 

Our Commonwealth over the years has shown us what is possible if we commit to working for a bold, expansive vision of health care access for all. Now, we can build a regional model for reproductive equity advocacy and make New England a regional leader in protecting and providing reproductive health care. We’re excited to get to work!

Why New Hampshire?

In New England, we typically think that abortion is well protected… but did you know New Hampshire still hasn’t codified the right to abortion into state law? In fact, the Granite State passed its first ever abortion ban just two years ago in June of 2021. Not only that, but New Hampshire is currently under very narrow anti-abortion majority control in all four branches of its state government – the House, the Senate, the Governor’s Office, and the Executive Council (don’t even get us started on how that last one works). 

Speaking of the Corner Office, there is a major gubernatorial election coming next November, and the leading GOP candidate, Kelly Ayotte, has already made rolling back abortion rights a primary plank of her campaign. She launched her campaign by warning that New Hampshire is “one election away from becoming Massachusetts.” To that we say, New Hampshire is one election away from eroding abortion access even further—especially if Kelly Ayotte is to take over the Gov’s Office. 

We can’t let that happen. With already barely enough providers in the region to support local patients and patients who must travel to our region from out-of-state, we not only need to protect the providers in New Hampshire, but expand their resources and capacity. The state’s Executive Council has already rolled back funding for sexual and reproductive healthcare providers in a clear attack on abortion providers—and they’re preparing to do it for a 5th time this November. We not only have to win that money back, but ensure that the next Executive Council, Governor, and legislative majorities are firmly supportive of reproductive equity for all Granite Staters.

There are lots of groups on the ground leading the fight in New Hampshire, and we are so excited to step into coalition with them, learn from them,  and add more muscle behind the fight for reproductive equity in New Hampshire. To meet this post-Dobbs crisis, we need as many voices in the chorus as possible.

Why Connecticut?

Our longtime partner Pro-Choice Connecticut has been leading the fight for reproductive equity across the Nutmeg state for many years now. As Pro-Choice Connecticut sunsets this fall, we are excited to pick up the mantle and carry on their legacy of bold legislative advocacy in the Nutmeg state. And we’re thrilled to bring on former Pro-Choice Connecticut State Director Liz Gustafson onto our team to lead our expansion efforts in the state.

Connecticut has seen firsthand what happens when we mobilize and organize at the state level. Now, we’re excited to help expand the capacity of advocates in the state and build a regional powerhouse for abortion access. We strongly believe that Connecticut is key to making New England a regional block for abortion access. As a place where people can feel safe and protected traveling to access compassionate care, we know that the state will continue to see more and more patients seek abortion in a post-Roe world. But don’t get us wrong: there is still more work to do to break down barriers to care in Connecticut, especially for Black, brown, LGBTQ+, and young people. We are excited to embark on this work to advance reproductive equity together.

We’ve grown our team!

To make this dream of a regional bloc for reproductive equity a reality, we need all hands on deck. We’ve brought on a rock-star crew of new faces to Repro Equity Now, and we’d love to introduce you to all of them!

Liz Gustafson(she/her), MSW, Connecticut State Director – Liz is the former state director for Pro Choice Connecticut and serves on the board of the REACH Fund, Connecticut’s statewide abortion fund. She has a wealth of experience as an activist, organizer, and lobbyist across the Nutmeg state. She earned her Masters in Social Work with a focus in Community Organizing from the University of Connecticut. 

Christina Warriner (she/her), MSW, New Hampshire State Director – Christina is a Concord-native and former North Country Regional Field Director during the 2020 New Hampshire primary. She has a long history of health care and equity advocacy in the Granite State. She earned her Masters in Social Work from Boston College this last Spring.

Liza Frazier (she/her), Development Officer – Liza comes to us from the New Hampshire Democratic Senate Caucus, where she served as Finance Director. She knows the ins-and-outs of the New Hampshire legislature and we’re thrilled to have her on our team.

Leah Cohen (she/her), Communications Officer – Leah is the president of the board of the Reproductive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire, NH’s statewide abortion fund. She most recently served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of New Hampshire, co-teaching a course on Reproductive Justice with her RFFNH colleague, Josie Pinto.

Jamie Watson, Esq. (she/her), Policy Counsel – Jamie most recently served as the Director of Policy and Legislation for Massachusetts Senator Becca Rausch, big repro champ! She has over a decade of advocacy and policy experience specifically focusing on reproductive health policy and support for domestic violence survivors. She earned her Juris Doctor from Northeastern Law School.

So…what now?

Want to get involved in this exciting expansion? Good, because we need you in this fight.

Sign up to get emails from our team so you can join us at upcoming events across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut!

Our vision of a regional block for abortion access will not be possible without the generous support of our repro community. Become a monthly sustainer so we can continue our work in Massachusetts and build and scale our work in New Hampshire and Connecticut.


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